This Monday, September 30, the trial against the businessman was to begin in Madrid Javier Lopez Madrid and former commissioner José Manuel Villarejo, accused by the Prosecutor’s Office, among other crimes, of harassing and coercing Dr. Elisa Pinto. And in the case of the former police officer, stabbing the prestigious dermatologist twice, an attack that Villarejo allegedly carried out on behalf of the son-in-law of the all-powerful. Juan Miguel Villar Mir, He died this summer and whose funeral was attended last Thursday by Infanta Cristina, among other important personalities. López Madrid and Villarejo face 13 years in prison for this issue alone. But for now they will not sit on the bench.
Lopez Madrid For years he was a close friend of Kings Felipe and Letizia, with whom he shared his love of yoga. Hence, in his day he was labeled as Letizia’s Compi-yogi, an affectionate nickname given to him by the queen herself in a message that coincidentally came to light through a judicial investigation.
After 12 years of long and complicated judicial procedures and a fierce campaign against Dr. Pinto, orchestrated from the sewers of the State, this Monday, Elisa Pinto was finally going to see the two subjects she accuses of sitting in the dock. having destroyed his life. But only three days before the hearing begins, one of López Madrid’s three lawyers has presented a brief to the judge, alleging an “anxiety” that makes it impossible for him to carry out his client’s defense. And he adds that the doctor has prescribed him a daily Lexatin, a medication by the way, which normally does not prevent him from leading a normal life.

The judge has considered the lawyer’s reasons and indefinitely suspends the hearing, which would not be held until perhaps after 2025. Both Dr. Pinto and her lawyers have expressed their displeasure, while other legal sources suspect that it could be a ploy to delay it indefinitely. López Madrid and his lawyers have already tried in vain on three occasions. But this time they have achieved it.
Since López Madrid has been implicated in other cases of corruption in which some were convicted, his social profile has been low and the Villar Mir family has marginalized him. The proof is that at the funeral for Vilar Mir, held this past September 26, there is not a single image or photo of the businessman’s son-in-law greeting those attending the ceremony, among whom were the aforementioned daughter of Juan Carlos. I even the Fusters, the former vice president Rodrigo Rato and almost the entire business elite of Spain.

Sources close to the Villar Mirs tell Informalia that the reasons for the delay in the trial could be other and very real, using the defense lawyer’s stress as an excuse. According to that version, the Villar Mirs would have pressured López Madrid to do everything possible to delay the trial.
Next Saturday, October 5, a granddaughter of the late Villar Mir, daughter of Juan, López Madrid’s brother-in-law, with whom she has an almost non-existent relationship, will marry in Seville. A wedding that would be celebrated 5 days after the trial began, with López Madrid in the headlines, and on the bench, listening to the prosecutor’s accusations against him, or the sexual messages he sent to the courtroom being cited in the courtroom. doctor. The last photo we have seen of Javier López Madrid in a long time was published in June 2023 on social networks, attending his friend’s big birthday party in Mexico. Monica Sánchez Navarro, wife of Ricky Fuster, intimates of Villar Mir’s son-in-law. In the photo, the businessman has a drink with Elena Mora, one of the guests at the celebration, which lasted three days.
The Mexican Mónica Sánchez Navarro, a staunch defender of López Madrid, was accused by Dr. Pinto in September 2013 of calling her to make a very popular threat in her country: “It’s okay, mother, leave Javier alone.” Pinto denounced the Mexican woman for threats as recorded in summary 487/214 and had to give a statement in court.
Twelve years without mercy: the ordeal against the most powerful
Pinto is a prestigious dermatologist who has very important people among her patients, among them was López Madrid. In her indictment, the doctor maintains that the consultation was the starting point of “a close friendship”, which began due to “flirting” on his part.
The calls, messages and emails went above and beyond. López Madrid began to appear in places where Pinto went. Then the off-color messages, very violent sexual chats and threats directed at her and those around her began. The businessman turned to police officer José Manuel Villarejo, who in 2013 was not known to the general public.
Pinto maintains that in a call the businessman had warned him to be careful, that it could destroy his life because he had hired a certain Pepe Villarejo, “who takes care of cool girls like you” and had the CNI on his side. That if she continued down that path it would sink her. A call that López Madrid also denies.
López Madrid ended up showing up at the dermatologist’s office accompanied by someone he introduced as his lawyer. Rafael Redondo was actually Villarejo’s partner. López Madrid accused the doctor of sending her messages and warned her that they were following her, ordering her to stop.
Ten days after that, on December 20, 2013, Elisa Pinto’s eldest son, upon leaving school, was threatened: “Tell your mother that we are also looking out for you,” a stranger told him. The next day Pinto went to report to the Chamartín police station, a stone’s throw from his house, but in his writing he did not allude to López Madrid. On January 13, 2014, Pinto was inside the vehicle when a person got into the back seat and stabbed her in the left shoulder: “You are defenseless,” the attacker told her. He could see that he had a circular tattoo on his hand.
“We will come back to puncture you and your children, we are going to destroy your life”
López Madrid filed a complaint on March 17, 2014 for telephone threats, calls from hidden numbers, with a distorted woman’s voice. Villar Mir’s son-in-law (Silvia Vilar Mir’s husband) then went to court to testify and just then Pinto received another terrifying message: “You are a whore and you are going to pay dearly for making the list.” And the next day: “Don’t pick up the phone because we will send you a message with a knife so you understand. This is not going to end.” And the next: “We will come back to pinch you and your children, we are going to destroy your life or do you think you can get away knowing so much.” Pinto then turned to the Civil Guard: on April 6, at the Chamartín National Police Station, they had ignored his previous complaint. Before the Benemérita officials he did allude to López Madrid. On April 10, she was stabbed again.

On that occasion, the doctor was in the car with her son. He got down to position the child’s chair properly and felt a pain in his abdomen. The aggressor looked at him and said: “López Madrid wants you to shut your mouth.” Pinto tried to flee with the car. The boy called 112 while watching his mother being taken away with a bloody belly.
The dermatologist’s desperation due to her feeling that no one was protecting her after her complaints led her to the Secretary of State for Security, then directed by Francisco Martínez. Pinto spoke to them about Villarejo and his allusions to López Madrid. When the Chamartín commissioner was notified from above, he said that he had missed the complaints.
Commissioner Jaime Barrado then took over the investigation and summoned Pinto for a photographic examination in order to identify the person who stabbed her. He identified Villarejo as the person who stabbed him the second time. Without any doubt. The next day, Barrado was booked for “hyperactivity” and transferred to the police station to later be expelled from the Police. His fault?: informing the deputy operational director of the Police, Eugenio Pino, that Villarejo had been identified as the author of an attack. Barrado later regained his position thanks to justice.
The victim was López Madrid
The Police then appointed Chief Inspector Alberto Carba in charge of the investigation against Pinto. In July 2015, that inspector delivered a preliminary report along with a behavioral analysis. His report maintained that Pinto had stabbed herself and that she was a “textbook psychopath,” in addition to using her son to threaten López Madrid. According to that version, the victim was the businessman. But by then, the Civil Guard had started its own investigation due to a complaint that Pinto made regarding the initial inactivity of the Chamartín police station. The agents confiscated López Madrid’s phone and found senior police officials among his contacts. The judge had filed Pinto’s complaints against López Madrid and Villarejo while the other instructor continued with the case against her. And the doctor was arrested. In January 2016, López Madrid reported the doctor to the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office to have custody of her children removed. The strategy did not work for him.
The Provincial Court saves Pinto and Villarejo is arrested: everything was recorded
The Provincial Court of Madrid took into account the dermatologist’s arguments, and forced the judge to reopen the case. The instructor had not bothered to hold the recognition parade for the attack, not even when it became clear that Pinto had recognized Villarejo. But on November 3, 2017, the former commissioner was arrested because there were indications that he was leading a criminal organization. As all of Spain later learned, the former commissioner recorded his meetings and for ten years almost everything was recorded. López Madrid must have had no idea that his favorite police officer wrote down all his movements and conversations in agendas.
The police were then able to trace the contacts between López Madrid and Villarejo and uncover the orchestrated police corruption to prevent the doctor from recognizing the corrupt former commissioner as the person who stabbed her and her son and silence her, not only Elisa Pinto but also the commissioner. Barred. “Meeting with Big (Commissioner Enrique García Castaño). Tomorrow preparations to organize a meeting with RAF (in reference to Rafael Redondo, Villarejo’s partner), preparation to speak with Pin”, it is noted a day before the visit to the consultation of López Madrid with Villarejo’s partner in 2013.
López Madrid arrested for alleged corruption
The recordings and agendas showed that even the Secretary of State for Security himself had taken care to prevent Villarejo from attending the identification parade: a letter was made to him in court to prevent his presence, alleging professional reasons. Villarejo’s involvement in other cases unmasked the circle of police corruption and power, all conspiring to help López Madrid and exonerate the former commissioner. At that time, in parallel, Villar Mir’s son-in-law was arrested in an operation into corruption in Madrid and charged in another.
The Civil Guard detected that López Madrid had deleted all his contacts with senior police officers from his phone, as well as more than 4,000 calls linked to the Pinto affair. But it didn’t delete everything. Among the conversations intercepted in the parallel investigations, the one between Chief Inspector Carba and Queen Letizia’s former Compiygui is very indicative: “Good morning Javier. I just wanted to tell you that the report we wanted is very good for our investigation. Patience in this last quarter we are going to win this game,” the police officer said. López Madrid replied: “Thank you very much for your kindness and affection, giving me confidence.”