With a powerful Christmas image, in black and gold, The daughter of the Infanta Elena and Jaime de Marichalar occupies the cover of the December issue of the magazine InStyle to commemorate the magazine’s 18th anniversary. For Victoria Federica it is a new cover that adds to those of Elle y Hola. Vic, who assured months ago that he does not want to be an influencer, has built a stellar career in the world of fashion and also on social networks, where he has 224,000 followers. In the interview with the aforementioned publication, he talks about his Bourbon cousins.

Victoria Federica He assures that he maintains “a very good relationship” with all his cousins. With the four Urdangarin, Irene, Michael, Paul y Juan; and also, with Leonor y Sofia. “I have lived my childhood with both families, so I have been able to share a lot of time with my cousins.” Although he does not specify, Vic has spent more time with the children of the infanta christina e Iñaki Urdangarin, who are closer to his age (22 years old) and with whom he has shared holidays in Palma. the daughters of don Felipe y Mrs. Letizia17 and 15, are closer to Irene (also, 17).
In those summers of sailing and outings at the Club Náutico de Palma and Puerto Portals, Vic coincided with his cousins in Marivent, where they would gather around their grandparents, the then king Juan Carlos I y doña sofia.
After the outbreak of the Nòos de Urdangarin case and the abdication of the monarch in 2014, those happy summers came to an end. Felipe VI and Doña Letizia reduced the Royal Family to six: they, their daughters, Leonor and Sofía, and Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía and imposed austerity and discretion. Marivent was never what it had been again, the palace where they spent their vacations in the eighties charles of england y Diana of Wales with their children, invited by the Kings of Spain.