his summer of legal battles

This summer is going to be an uphill battle for Miguel Bosé. His ex, Nacho Palau, has sued him for failing to comply with the court ruling that requires the four children to spend the holidays together, according to Lecturas. This lawsuit is joined by a complaint against him that the Círculo Escéptico has filed with the Balearic Health Department for sponsoring this Friday, July 26, with Josep Pàmies, a popular healer, an event in Mallorca with a negationist and pseudoscientific tone. It is published by Lecturas 20 minutes.

The Skeptical Circle, a cultural association whose main purpose is to promote the practice of skepticism, understood as critical and rational thinking, has asked the Balearic Government to prohibit the event starring Bosé and Pàmies, believing that this meeting will promote pseudotherapies, something that is expressly prohibited by law.

The well-known vaccine denier Pàmies, who defends his stance against vaccines, recommends treating autism with bleach. The artist himself announces the event on his social networks: “Save the date. On July 26 we are pleased to invite you to a great event to celebrate our sovereignty along with a little irreverence,” the singer commented on his social networks a few days ago.

Bosé and Pàmies already met exactly two years ago, when Lucía Bosé’s son defended that children should not be vaccinated. This summer’s event comes with this headline: Freedom of expression and therapeutic freedom. At the event, the singer and the healer will be accompanied by Nadiya Popel and Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas, suspended by the Official College of Physicians of the Balearic Islands (Comib), who have condemned the event for considering it contrary to good medical practice.
