The heir prince Christian of Denmark faces his first weeks of debutant in the army. A military formation that has reached 19 years in the Húsares regiment of Slagelse’s guard, which is at an hour and a half of Copenhagen. There he has received the visit of his parents, Federico and Mary. The king has melted in a hug with him.
Christian, like Leonor, enters the Armed Forces. The Danish royal house confirmed that the heir renounced the salary that corresponds to him for this performance: 9,000 Danish crowns per month (1,200 euros).
The visit of the Kings has been preceded by a message from the Australian lawyer in the networks on the occasion of International Women’s Day. On a purple background Mary Donaldson has written: “I think of the many women who have had an impact on my life and the life of women in general. In a time of changes and challenges, it makes more sense We can all be the woman (or man) that supports other women. “
Federico, Mary and his children have approached the Slagelse barracks, where his son serves as recruit for a month. Christian is destined in that base where he is formed as a military official future in the Guardian Regiment. “The families (of the members) of the company were invited to visit the barracks one day, where the royal family had the opportunity to share with the heir prince their new environment and meet their peers.”
In addition to that hug as a father to son, Mary’s gaze of admiration. In the image, we see the queen posing with Christian. It carries a jacket of paintings in navy blue XL format and a denim shirt. The networks have shown their support with happy emoticons and colored hearts.
Only a few weeks ago, the heir expressed that he faced his entry into the “very excited” and “illusion” army.