Hermoso: “With the Ballon d’Or we would open a new era”


The Spanish player Jennifer Hermoso has assured that if one of the four Spanish candidates to win the Ballon d’Or, being one of the nominees along with Sandra Paños, Irene Paredes and the favorite Alexia Putellas, “a new era” will open in the that the country’s players will top the prize lists.

“We would open a new era. That today a Spanish woman takes the award means that the work of years bears fruit. I wish with all my desire that she come to Spain. Today we are four but we could be many more and from today the lists go to be full of players from Spain, “he said at a press conference.

For Hermoso, if one of the four wins the award this Monday, at the Paris gala that all the candidates will attend, it will be “a before and after.” “It is a lot of work that we carry behind,” he recalled.

“Spanish football will begin to change and a new era will open, today we are fighting to leave that legacy and for the new generations to have female references that we did not have,” he deepened.

“We have to enjoy the moment a lot, this day and tonight, but we also have a game tomorrow and we have to be grateful that they let us be there and we will enjoy it, but hopefully tomorrow we win again,” he commented on the presence at the gala and the fact of playing this Tuesday game against Scotland, key in qualifying for the World Cup.

He also recognized that for Barça, which has five players among the finalists for the Ballon d’Or, it is also an achievement. “It was a very good year for the triplet, we are all deserving of that award. Alexia is in an impressive moment. I hope this Ballon d’Or stays in Spain,” he reiterated.