The controversy that the aunt can of Joy, Henar Ortizprovoked in social networks by defending the princess Leonor In the face of criticism about the young woman’s speech, she joins the many anecdotes produced during this year’s Princess of Asturias Awards. Ortiz has used forceful words, very clear, typical of the plain language of the street, to defend the regal adolescent and charge again against the monarchy.
As if he were defending his great-niece against the neighborhood kids, Henar replied to a tweeter who called the princess an asshole: “Don’t overdo it, kid: she’s a girl. Besides, she can’t choose. Terrible and unfair, but that’s how it is. They are exposed from babies. And now used.”
Don’t overdo it, kid: it’s a girl.
Also you can’t choose. Terrible and unfair, but that’s how it is. They are exposed from babies. And now used.– Henar Ortiz Álvarez (@HenarOrtiz) October 29, 2022
The user of the social network harshly criticized a part of the speech of the heiress to the throne during the award ceremony in Oviedo. In it, the princess said “The young people are aware that the current situation is not easy.”
read also – Leonor: “In a few days I’ll be 17. Discovering our winners helps me understand the world better”
The phrase was commented on by a critical journalist on the bird’s network with data that shows “real” privileges: “She studies for 80,000 euros at the elitist Atlantic College in Wales, the most expensive institute in the world.”
Princess Leonor: “We young people are aware that the current situation is not easy.” She studies for 80,000 euros at the elitist Atlantic College in Wales, the most expensive institute in the world.
– Fonsi Loaiza (@FonsiLoaiza) October 29, 2022
The tweet has already been shared by almost 3,000 people and has more than 500 comments. Among the answers, some user came to the insult with phrases like “the asshole has the hard face of a Bourbon, ASCO”.
The irreverent tweeter did not criticize the future queen’s lack of connection with reality, but harshly insulted her. These words made Aunt Henar leap into the net in defense of Leonor. Although he launches a spear in favor of the teenager, he does not shy away from including a critical evening of the monarchical institution, as has been his custom.
Signatures to demand the withdrawal of the title of King Emeritus of Juan Carlos de Borbón Sign the petition for @publico_es now.
– Henar Ortiz Álvarez (@HenarOrtiz) March 2, 2021
Queen Letizia’s republican aunt insists on how “terrible and unfair” it is for Leonor and her sister Sofia that they are exposed to public opinion from babies, “And now used”, which indicates the exposure of young women by the Monarchy for marketing purposes.

Previously, Henar Ortiz has harshly criticized the institution and especially the king emeritus, against whom he attacked last May after the visit to Spain of Juan Carlos I.
read also – Henar Ortiz, Queen Letizia’s aunt, is sincere: “The monarchy is an obsolete institution”
His statements are always explosive and on his Twitter profile he attacks royalty as soon as the occasion arises, with phrases like “The Bourbons have become rich at our expense” as a result of the scandal Corinna Larsen.