“He opened the doors of his house to me…”

In the midst of a soap opera about his relationship with Alvaro Muñoz Escassi, Maria Jose Suarez I don’t know has cut and has given his opinion on what he thinks Raquel Bernalthe woman to whom the rider was married for six months.

Raquel is divineI only have nice words for Raquel. She opened the doors of her house in the Dominican Republic to me and bought me more than 100 dresses from my latest collection for a store in Venezuela. I love her very much.“, Maria Jose told the cameras this Saturday Europa Press.

These statements from the former Miss Spain in 1996 come after Raquel publicly defended the former contestant of MasterChef CelebrityThe Venezuelan businesswoman, who does not usually make statements or appear in the media, denied the alleged infidelity of the jockey and stood up for him.“Álvaro behaved like a prince with me”said last Thursday to Public mirror.

Although María José Suárez only has nice words for Raquel, the model no longer opens her mouth when asked about her ex, Álvaro Muñoz Escassi. “I’m going to the gym,” says Feliciano López’s ex when the jockey is mentioned.

With this attitude, María José is now wiping the slate clean. The last three years have been marked by her intense love story with Álvaro. We made her story with him known on this portal at the same time that she was separating from Jordi Nieto, the father of her son Elías. From those days in the Dominican Republic, all that remains is a nightmare.
