“He is a textbook narcissist lacking empathy”

Jorge Javier Vazquez has positioned itself in one of the topics that reign in the current affairs of social chronicles: the infidelities of Alvaro Muñoz Escassi a Maria Jose Suarez. The Miss gave an interview last weekend in It’s Friday! She waited until she was ready to speak, as discovering the true face of the rider was very painful for her, and she did so harshly and convinced that she no longer wants to know anything about her ex. The presenter supports her. According to him, “He left the trickster Muñoz Escassi ready for sentencing”.

This is what the Catalan expressed on his blog on Wednesday Readings. “There is nothing like going to a TV set without fear. It makes you invincible.. And so María José appeared. Confident, forceful and even pedagogical when the occasion called for it. She didn’t let anything go by. She had a credible answer for everything, an appropriate reply. She even spiced up her speech with comments full of malice and harsh humor. A delight,” explains the communicator.

The model “destroyed”, according to Jorge Javier, Escassi’s image. And she did it “without hesitation and with arguments and data”: “She made us see that His alleged friendliness hides a textbook narcissist, a being lacking empathy. because what he has he saves to love himself without hesitation.” The Andalusian woman’s testimony “can cause a domino effect,” since she senses that Escassi “has a difficult time coming.”

“Behaviours that were tolerated years ago are now considered reprehensible. You would do well not to expose yourself too much for a while, because you may come out shorn.“, he recommends to María José. And he launches a reflection: “Of all that has been said these days about Muñoz Escassi, the most terrifying phrase was uttered by Sonia Ferrer, one of his exes: ‘Don’t you find it surprising that no one comes out speaking badly of him?’. And then we ask ourselves:People don’t talk about him out of fear? And what’s worse: why do they fear him?“.

These words come after the testimony of actress and presenter Mónica Pont, who says that Escassi needs treatment. The two met together in Look who’s jumpingthe jumping program that Telecinco aired in 2013Pont joined the team a little later to replace another participant and when the rider saw her at the airport, according to her, this is how he reacted: “At the airport, the guy saw me and said: ‘Damn, we won with the change’. He came up to me, grabbed me and I told him ‘keep your hands still, I already know you’. He tried it with me and with everyone“He had an affair with Verónica Hidalgo, Sonia Ferrer… He had a girlfriend.” “He has a sex addiction, he needs to think about it and cure himself”Pont lamented in As if we were Shhhrecalling that during the show jumping program he even called women “English mares.”
