“He doesn’t separate himself from them”

Two weeks have just passed since the death of Caritina Goyanes and her family remains in deep mourning. So are her friends. They organized a mass to remember her in the Basilica of La Milagrosa on Tuesday, which was attended by the businesswoman’s mother, Search for Lapiqueher widower Antonio Matos and his two children, Pedro and Mini Cari: “The children are calmer but the mother is still devastated”they tell us.

Cari, who lost her husband and daughter in just 20 days, is deeply saddened and has given herself body and soul to caring for her grandchildren. They practically live together, as the family was so close that Carlos Goyanes and his wife bought, a few years ago, a flat in the same building where Caritina lived: “They were up and down all day long,” they tell us. The grandparents participated in the children’s daily life and a very special relationship was forged between them, especially between the businessman and Pedro, 13 years old: “He was the son she never had. She made him breakfast, took him to school, to training, to football…” Now, Cari “is not separated from them.”

This Tuesday’s mass was organised by Emmaus, the religious movement to which the businesswoman belonged and which helped her overcome some difficult times. Now they have become a lifeline for the rest of the family, who went to church last Sunday to pray for Caritina’s soul, as revealed by Beatriz Cortázar.

Caritina died on August 26 at the age of 47 at her home in Marbella. She was spending the summer with her family, with whom she had to bury her father, Carlos Goyanes, who died of a massive heart attack just 19 days earlier. The businesswoman, who ran the SixSense catering company, had been feeling dizzy for days and her discomfort worsened at midday, when she asked her husband to take her to the hospital. The doctors were unable to do anything to save her life.
