“He behaved like a prince with me”

We have rarely seen her make statements or appear in the media, as she leads a very discreet life. Raquel Bernalthe Venezuelan businesswoman with whom Alvaro Muñoz EscassIf she was married -for only five months-, she spoke out this Thursday about her ex-husband, and surprisingly to stand up for him. She did it in Mirror publicalthough not by phone or in person, but by contacting the program after the imprecise information that Pilar Vidal dio this Wednesday about his marriage.

Annoyed, Bernal has denied some statements made by Vidal in which he commented: “That wedding was not as beautiful as we saw it in ¡Hola!. The day before the wedding, when a pre-wedding was celebrated, perhaps Álvaro was unfaithful that night. It’s like he had a private bachelor party. The bride finds out on the day of the ceremony but decides out of affection and politeness to go ahead. “It’s a quick marriage,” she said. In addition, the journalist also gave some financial information regarding her marriage: “What she does when she marries him is a separation of assets, it is rumored that Alvaro took some jewelry from her but she has always said that is not true.“That the only thing Alvaro took was a shirt that she gave him with diamond buttons, a wedding gift,” Pilar said before clarifying: “The horse that competes in championships was hers. But the exclusive imagines who got it. She, no.“.

Upon hearing these statements and finishing the program, Raquel Bernal contacted Mirror public to clarify certain issues that, according to her, were not true: the first thing she said about Escassi is that “He was a completely selfless man, he took care of me one hundred percent in the material part, I bought him a collection of watches and he didn’t accept it, he told me not to spend the money on that. I kept the horses because Alvaro had no way to support them.“, he said before continuing: “He did not accept my financial help, he did not accept that I leave him the horses, he did not keep any watches, nothing, he is a totally selfless person.“.

Regarding the alleged infidelity, Bernal has also denied it by stating: “That they say that he cheated on me before the wedding and on the wedding day itself, that has no credibility for me because Alvaro behaved like a prince with me.He didn’t do anything, he’s a gentleman, he’s a respectful person, he protected me financially… then we separated because we have different lives, that’s another thing.”

According to Pilar, who has been able to speak with Raquel, she confirmed that they both have “very good relationship, he loves her and they will always be family“. “It is the decision she has made despite the fact that the marriage broke up and she had a bad time. She has decided that that is over and she wants to have a good relationship.“, Vidal commented.

Such a protective attitude towards Escassi – when, we insist, his marriage with the former Miss Venezuela barely lasted five months – does not make sense to Gema Lopezwho has thrown a question into the air: “Could I be afraid of him?“?,” she questioned before stating, stunned: “I am surprised by Alvaro’s ability to go through the lives of some women, hurt those women and then have them stand up for him, even fiercely.“.

Because? -Sofia Cristo commented then- Because as Sonia Ferrer said, it is better to have Álvaro as a friend than as an enemy.“. Later, Barbara Rey’s daughter launched her own theory: “The only thing that comes to mind and that could presumably happen is that if Alvaro has juicy videos with the people he has relationships with, maybe in a hypothetical case that crosses my mind I think he could have told her that he has videos of her ‘chuscando’“, she said amused. Pilar Vidal finished her musings by saying: “I think that in her case it is more about getting out of the scene, not wanting to be named more. She is very discreet and does not want to appear on television, and it is more about that. She loved it very much, she was very excited.“, It is finished
