Harry’s other drama: “My penis froze during an expedition to the Arctic”

The controversial memories of the prince do not stop giving surprises. In addition to recounting how he lost his virginity or his flirtation with drugs, Harry has revealed a very intimate and hitherto unknown chapter: “My penis froze during an expedition in the Arctic.”

Also read – Harry lost his virginity at 17 and on the pitch: “He treated me like a stud, it was humiliating”

It was in March 2011. The prince traveled to the North Pole to participate in a solidarity walk with some retired soldiers. During the way, some parts of his body froze, such as his ears or cheeks, an anecdote that he told when he returned to Buckingham Palace and at which everyone laughed: “Dad was very interested and sympathized with the discomfort of my ears and frost-cut cheeks.” But he confesses: “Then I didn’t want to talk too much about my penis. When I came home I realized that it was frozen. While the ears and cheeks were already healing, the penis was not. It was becoming a bigger problem every day.”has revealed.

Harry dragged the serious consequences of his expedition for several weeks, so he attended the wedding of his brother William and Kate Middleton with his penis semi-frozen: “I was still recovering. I was with my brother in Westminster Abbey and I didn’t felt”. After the wedding, on April 29, 2011, Harry went to the doctor and recovered thanks to a cream.