Harry’s Memoir In the shadow and the two interviews that the duke has given to CBS and ITV are a tinderbox. Every word that the son of Charles III poured in public has become a headline. The British press dedicates their front pages to the prince, who has turned his past and his family into a way of earning a living. The Times It puts the focus on the fact that the Windsors were complicit in Meghan’s pain, according to the Duke. He also draws a lot of attention that the prince now reveals that he does not see racism in his family. He thus retracts the accusations that he and his wife, Meghanthey launched with The Firm in that media interview they gave to Oprah Winfrey in 2021. The book officially goes on sale tomorrow, despite the fact that the Spanish edition went out a few days before by mistake.
This is backsliding in every way. It is also letting the snowball grow and grow. The accusations of racism were clear and hit Buckingham like a cluster bomb. This is how Queen Elizabeth II interpreted it, who then broke the culture of silence prevailing in the palace and had to issue a statement about it. Now, in the interview that she has given to ITV to promote her memoir, Harry he denies that he intended to label members of his family as racists. He pressed Tom Bradby on his question and brought up the comment about Archie’s “skin tone” and whether he considered him racist: “No, not having lived within that family.” The duke did point out “an unconscious bias” about racism. “Once an individual or an institution has been flagged as having an unconscious bias, they have an opportunity to learn,” she said. “Otherwise, unconscious bias falls under the category of racism.”notice The Times.

The Guardian points directly to Harry in his relationship with Camilla, citing his intervention on CBS, in the program 60 Minutes. Too, The New York Post.

The prince is filled with reasons to launch against Camilla, his stepmother, all kinds of niceties. She talks about the job of cleaning up the public image that Parker Bowles carried out to be accepted as one more member of the family and leave behind the eternal comparison with Diana of Wales, who died in 1997. In that rehabilitation to get rid of her version of “villain “In history there were victims, like Harry himself, who considers himself “just another body left on the street.” And he slides that Camilla “sacrificed” him.
Daily Mail it also brings to its cover the matter of Megxit, the departure of Harry and Meghan from the royal family. According to the prince, The Windsors contributed to the expulsion of the actress from the palace and her subsequent decision to settle with her husband in California.

His flirtations with cocaine and his anger after the death of his mother
In the section on his intimacies, Harry tells everything in his book and confirms it on CBS. His flirtations with cocaine, marijuana and alcohol ensure that they were a consequence of the impact that his mother’s absence caused on him. “I had a lot of anger inside me that, fortunately, I never got to express to anyone,” he said. “But I resorted to heavy drinking because I wanted to numb the feeling or I wanted to distract myself. I also resorted to drugs (…). I would never recommend doing this.”