Harry pleads for reconciliation with his father and brother William: what about Meghan?

The prince steps forward. After all the reproaches made in the Netflix series towards the Windsors, especially the head of the family, Charles IIInow Harry has backed down The Duke of Sussex has released a conciliatory, trembling message that seems to be the first attempt to repair the marked distance: “I would like to get my father back and have my brother back.” He has pronounced these words in an interview with ITV. The Duke has also spoken with CBS, for the 60 Minutes program, which will air this Sunday, January 8, in advance of the expected launch of his biography, Spare (In the shadow). Harry monopolizes the covers of British newspapers with this gesture.

In the 60-minute trailer, shared by CBS to warm up the engines, Carlos’s son claims to have felt “betrayed” by those who speak ill of him behind his back. And it also points directly to Buckingham when he and his wife, Meghan, they made public the Megxit and their decision to leave their duties as members of the royal family. “Every time I tried to do it in private there were leaks against me and my wife.” He also adds The Firm’s motto: “Never complain, never explain”. The brother of Guillermo He has not only given an interview to CBS.

The conciliatory bombshell that all the tabloids collect on their front pages has been precisely on ITV. The youngest son of Carlos III has spoken for the first time about his feelings towards the Windsors with this tone: “I want a family, not this institution (…) I would like to get my father back and have my brother back”. In this plea, what role does Meghan play? What is her role? Will she have intervened to build bridges? After all this process of divorce with The Firm, reconciliation becomes complicated. and there is a deadline: There are five months left for the coronation ceremony of Carlos III. Will they have signed peace then?