happy and supported by her parents

The Princess of Asturias visited this Tuesday, July 16, what will be her new home from August 29, the Naval School of Marín, where she went accompanied by her parents, Felipe VI and Doña Letizia.

The King presided over the presentation of dispatches to the new officers of the Navyan event in which she remained close to her first-born daughter, who, as always, showed an exquisite attitude throughout the event. The young woman thus established her first contact with the institution after completing her studies at the Military School of the Army in Zaragoza.

Dressed in official attire, just like her father, Leonor de Borbón has approached what will be her new stage in her military training.which she will undertake on board the Navy’s training ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano, on which she will embark from Cadiz on a journey through the Americas. Upon completion, she will be named second midshipman.

The teachings that the midshipmen receive on board the training ship are technical knowledge, practice in the exercise of command, ethical values ​​and the ability to represent SpainIt should be noted that third-year students access this course in their second semester while completing their studies at the Naval Military School, which in this time has refined certain aspects to ensure better teaching.

“I think it is necessary to explain that his training with the Navy in Marín is part of something broader: the military training of the Princess of Asturias. The first thing that has been necessary, therefore, is an effort of coordination between the other academies and the Naval School, so that there is a common thread and a certain coherence in the whole of the training,” he said, assuring that the sister of the Infanta Sofía is waiting for “a specific, intense and demanding plan” to be able to “assume supreme command of the Armed Forces, as provided for in Article 62 of the Constitution.” “It will have a scientific, technical, naval, military and physical component. But the core of the training, the essential part, will be training in values, the authentic axis around which everything else in the School revolves.”
