Guti: “I am surprised that the referee himself has repeatedly asked for the VAR”

It had been a long time since a referee like Arcediano Monescillo was seen at the Mediterranean Games Stadium. With the field empty, José María Gutiérrez's anger was constantly heard, trying to keep his composure in the press room. “What surprises me is that one of my players has told us that just when Juan Muñoz put in, the referee has insistently asked the VAR for the revision when he had seen it well. It was fine, “says the Almería coach.

Almería Shield / Flag

The torrejonero considers that if Juan Muñoz's goal had not been invalidated, his team would have made another second half. “The team had control of the game during the 90 minutes. In their goal we were not fine, but then they had no more. The goal of Juan (Muñoz) would have given us a lot for the second half … Of the goal annulled (the second) I see it clearly, it is not his turn, “explains a Gutiérrez who has been unable to leave his goal to zero for the third consecutive day for the first time this season.

From the poor game of his own, he argues that it is very difficult when the rival is locked up. “The same thing happened to us against Racing. Done things well, we have had them, although it is true that we have not been right because ten rivals have been involved in their field. They know what they were playing and they have complicated us. his approach has surprised “, expires José María Gutiérrez.