Guti affirms that Elche will visit Granada with a plus of motivation

The Elche midfielder, Raul Gutiassured that the team from Elche will face the next day’s visit to the Granadadirect rival in the fight for permanence in First.

The Aragonese midfielder described, in statements to the club’s media, the next match as “very important” as it is a confrontation against a rival “from the lower zone”.

“We are going to win because it is a vital game for us”affected the Aragonese midfielder, who regained ownership this past day against Barcelona.

“An exciting week is coming and a lot of work. We are going to go to Granada to win”, reiterated the Aragonese, who assured that the last two defeats of the team will not leave consequences in Elche.

“The way is to continue working as we are doing. We come from a good dynamic and that is why we cannot come down”, explained Raúl Guti, who was proud of the image offered by Elche.

The midfielder did not want to comment on the controversial plays “because I do not want to get involved in other people’s work” and asked the Elche fans for their encouragement “because this category is complicated and we need your support”.

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