In full commotion for the cancellation of Save me, which will stop airing on June 23, the show’s producer is facing other problems. the driver of Maria Teresa Campos, Gustavohas taken legal action against the production company (in which they still work Have him y carmen borrego).
It must be remembered that the trusted man of the veteran communicator, who suffers from the ailments of age at 81, was in the shooting and was the subject of talk on the set for a while. They came to accuse him of being a mole.

They claimed that he leaked certain information related to the Campos clan. They also pointed directly at his wife, Ainhoa. Even in Telecinco’s evening program, they brought to light some messages that the driver and his wife would have exchanged in a WhatsApp group with Kiko Hernández and Belén Rodríguez, in which they made fun of Carmen Borrego’s double chin.
Outraged by the situation, Gustavo, who is like a son to María Teresa, has taken action on the matter. So much so that he has sued for violation of privacy, honor and his own image Save me already Deluxe Sage in the courts of Torrejón de Ardoz, as stated e diary. His wife, anonymous before the law (unlike him, who is popular), has also filed another lawsuit, so La Fábrica de la Tele faces two different battles.
Read also: We know who leaked the news about the health of María Teresa Campos and it is not Gustavo el Chófer
It is not the only legal dispute that puts La Fábrica de la Tele on the ropes. The popularly known as ‘Operation Deluxe’ has led those responsible for the production company, Oscar Cornejo y Adrian Madrid, to the courts. It must be remembered that last year, the husband of Chayo Mohedanoone of those affected, reached a million-dollar agreement with those responsible in exchange for abandoning the legal proceedings against the producer, which in 2019 issued his police file.