As of August 10, Zubieta still looks like a lot. Five days after the start of the preseason at the Real facilities, only long-term injuries appear. As this newspaper published several days ago, there are three players who come every day to treat their respective injuries. Illarramendi and Alex
Alone have for long while Baptist is crushed to convince Imanol
These three homegrown players will be joined by two other foals today, who are advancing their holidays to continue their recoveries. Sources consulted by MD indicate that Luca
Sangalli and Ander
Guevara They will step on Zubieta again. Neither of them will train on the green, of course, taking into account that the San Sebastian was recently operated on for his third kneecap displacement and the Vitorian suffered a tear in the tibia. The foals will exercise inside the facilities to continue putting the machinery in readiness. Sangalli He will not return to the pitch until 2021 while Guevara hurries to start the preseason with the rest of his teammates, although he does not have them all with him. What appeared to be a simple ankle sprain turned into a tibia fracture, revealed by a second X-ray after the initial swelling subsided.
It is also not ruled out that other players return before their holidays so as not to suffer excessively on Friday. Another one that could appear early is Jon
Pacheco, who will perform the preseason with the elders.