Guardiola responds to Evra’s criticism

Pep Guardiola has not missed the opportunity to respond to Patrice Evrawho this Tuesday criticized the way of managing that the coach of the Manchester City.

“The Manchester City need leaders but Guardiola He doesn’t want leaders. He doesn’t want personality. He is the leader. So when they are in trouble they don’t want to. They don’t have anyone on the pitch to help them,” said the Frenchman on ‘Prime Video’.

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“He chooses his teams like that, he can’t train people with personality. He did it in the Barcelona, but build your team to control everyone. When things go wrong, he always decides,” he added.

Guardiola was asked about the words of the exlateral of the Manchester United and this time he didn’t hold his tongue when answering him.

Perhaps (Patrice) Evra he’s right or maybe he’s making a good date to go back to the Manchester United to work there,” answered elegantly Guardiola.

“I’ve had nice and amazing players in my past in Barcelona, Bayern, ManCity. I could give a good list in terms of personality and character. Most of them have won World Cups, Europeans, UCL and leagues,” said the City coach.