More than thirty groups of fans of different football teams from Euskal Herria have supported a statement in which they are critical of the celebration of a party of the Euskal Selekzioa behind closed doors, like the one that tomorrow will play the tricolor team against Costa Rica in Ipurua. Under the heading ‘Euskal Selekzioa gu gara’ (We are the Basque team), the signing groups assure that they see no sense in playing without the support of the fans.
In their letter, they claim to have received “with resignation the news of the celebration without public of the party” tomorrow in Eibar. “They have extinguished the clamor and the cry in favor of our team that after many years has worked this hobby and they have bet it at the mercy of current football and the business that this entails,” they denounce.
They point out that “the fans have been a fundamental piece in the construction and growth of the Euskal Selekzioa“And that” it would be unimaginable to draw a roadmap in favor of the officiality without the support of fans or Basque society. ” In this sense, they claim not to understand “the reason for the celebration of that match” since they do not understand that “the official contribution in this way.” They claim that this fight “belongs both to the estates” and to players and fans, so “there will be no officers without the fans.”