Goodbye to Paco Arévalo: Fabiola Martínez and Ortega Cano support the comedian's family at his funeral

The death of Paco Arevalo Last Wednesday was a hard blow for the world of culture and entertainment, but, above all, for his family and friends, among whom are well-known faces in Spanish society. This Friday, January 5, they said their last goodbye at the Parque de la Paz cemetery in Valencia.

There it was possible to see Jose Ortega Canowhich, together with Vicente Ruiz Soro, has accompanied the Madrid comedian's circle in these difficult moments. The journalist and television presenter have been added to the bullfighters Jesus Maria Alvarez and the model Fabiola Martinez.

In statements to the press, she explained that her ex-husband, Bertin Osborne, has not been able to say goodbye to his friend because he is at home with COVID-19. Last Thursday, The presenter regretted the last discussion he had with Arévalo.

“It has been especially painful because a month ago I had a fight on the phone because I am a person who takes care of myself and plays sports, and Paco's turning point in his life was the death of Elena, his wife, and from then on he half abandoned himself. He suddenly became 40 kilos heavier than he should weigh, he didn't walk because his knees hurt,” the singer commented in On everyone's lips.

Given the gratitude that Paco y Nuria, Arévalo's children, have expressed to those attending the ceremony, Fabiola has valued that “you have to be at the moment when you have to accompany.” In addition, the model has fondly remembered an anecdote that occurred at the funeral mass.

“The priest tripped and we were all tense. But, as Lola – the friend who accompanied him during the funeral – said, it seems that Paco appeared so that we could break this moment of rigidity,” he commented.

Another exciting moment was Nuria's final speech, which was accompanied by her favorite song, Castles in the airby Alberto Cortez. “He was not only my father, he was my best friend.”the actor's daughter has admitted.