“Goal well disallowed, Gavi is offside”

In the 10th minute of the game, González Fuertes disallowed a Luuk de Jong header. The Barça forward headed a great cross from Gavi. The referee of the match annulled the goal for offside. At first it gave the impression that the Barça forward was the one in the forward position, but the VAR showed that the player in an irregular situation was Gavi.

The AS and SER referee, Iturralde González, considers that the goal is well annulled: “It is offside in the first action, not in the shot. When it opens to the left, Gavi is very narrowly offside, according to the lines drawn. He does a couple of dribbles, crosses and the ball ends in a goal. But it is clearly considered that the first pass is part of the same attack play”.

In the 22nd minute, Barcelona requested a penalty for a fall by Luuk de Jong inside the area. Iturralde understands that it is not a penalty. “He falls because Luuk de Jong hits the defender with his leg. There is nothing. It is not a penalty on Luuk de Jong, he puts his body on him and he falls ”.

In the 24th minute, Luis Milla fell in the area, but Iturralde also considers that González Fuertes was also right: “He touches her a little with his arm. There is nothing”.