Gloria Camila hits rock bottom and announces withdrawal: “I am in psychological treatment and under medication”

The daughter of Ortega Cano found his life turned upside down when leaving nightmare in paradisejust a week ago. The separation of his father from him with Ana Maria AldonThe words of Rocio Carrasco against his family or the statements of Patricia Donoso They have made the influencer collapse and hit rock bottom. Thus, Glory Camila has sent a statement this Friday announcing a radical decision: “I need a break.”

Also read: Gloria Camila suffers for her father and makes a drastic decision for her mental health

Gloria Camila has explained to her followers that she has reached a point in her life where everything has been “accumulating in a glass, which has ended up overflowing”. During her time in the contest she has realized that her life needs changes and that she must accept “the hard time she is living”.

Although he is a public figure, he has decided to take a break and leave his mental and emotional health in the hands of professionals. Rocío Jurado’s daughter confesses that she is undergoing “psychological treatment and this time under medication” and that she will be, for a time, “away from the media spotlight. I will focus on my personal life, now I owe it to my family and my friends and I am sure that little by little we will recover and everything will improve”.

In addition, he has taken advantage of this statement to talk about the importance of mental health and raise his voice: “We should not be ashamed of being sad or depressed.” And she wanted to highlight the importance of taking care of messages on social networks: “The fact of being public figures does not give us the right to destroy ourselves as people.”