“Gil Manzano is now on relegation referee”

Controversy over the arbitration of Gil Manzano in the Royal Society-Celtic (2-1). Visitors especially complained that the red card was allegedly forgiven for Elustondo for a hard entrance to Santi Mina. Also if what I did Araujo on the penalty play it was enough to whistle it.

Even the former collegiate Eduardo Iturralde González expressed his opinion on the matter in ‘El Larguero’. He said about the arbitration that “Gil Manzano has to do a reset and be the same as three years ago. He's a top umpire, but now he's a relegation umpire. “When you don't have confidence in yourself, what is happening to him happens.”

Before that, Eduardo Coudet and Hugo Mallo had complained. The coach said that “he is not touching the coin on our side in the VAR reviews. Sometimes it is luck also from the side of interpretation. For now, the interpretation on our side is not touching us. I did not see the penalty but it does not seem so obvious to me as to certify it. If there is contact … What leaves us a bit is the review of Santi's play, who has three important cuts on his leg ”.

The player, for his part, commented that “I would really like to say what I think, but I'm going to shut up. There is a lot of confusion, a lot of mess. All teams have many doubts about the use and it is an issue that needs to be clarified. Next year I hope it will be revised. The VAR is a tool that has to help, and not confuse. If the referee is going to see the VAR, or it does not whistle, or it is red, a yellow does not make sense. But refereeing is complicated, they are tenths of a second ”.