Gerard, in the fight for the national top scorer despite injuries

Gerard Moreno is trying overcome his third muscle injury it’s from the season. The soleus has meant that the Villarreal striker has only played 12 of the 22 championship games, which means having missed 40% of league games.

Despite these absences, the striker has managed to score 8 goals in those 12 games, so Moreno is still in the Fight for being him national top scorer despite having played much less than their rivals. Besides, the scoring average of the international striker is only surpassed by the Real Madrid striker, Karim Benzema, who has an average of 0.81 goals per game, for 0.67 goals by party of Gerard Moreno.

Photo by Gerard Moreno

There is no other striker in the League who has the average scorer of the yellow tip, which shows that not to be injured and having missed those ten games, he would be close to fighting to be the top scorer of the season and he would be sure to be the top national scorer to maintain that average.

Thus, in the table of national scorers, he is the striker for Betis Juanmi the fact that tops that table with 12 goals in 19 games, which represents an average of 0.63 goals per encounter. The same 12 goals that Raúl de Tomás has scored in 21 games, which gives an average of 0.57 goals per match for the second national scorer.

Shield/Flag Villarreal

While the third scorer is Iago Aspas, what sum 10 goals in 21 games and an average of 0.48 goals per game, drawing with Joselu that adds the same ten goals but in twenty-two games and an average of 0.45 goals per game. With that, Moreno has a better goal average than his rivals, To which is added that despite not playing in almost half of the games, he is still in the fight with these forwards.