Genoveva Casanova's confessions: “I am ashamed of something but it cannot be told”

Missing since her images were published in early November with the Prince Frederick of Denmark in Madrid, Genoeva Casanova has reappeared near the end of 2023. This Friday he used his social networks to share the progress of an interview that La 2 de TVE already broadcast in September 2022. The public entity has broadcast it again this Friday, December 29, Curiously, in the midst of a media stir due to her photos with Mary Donaldson's husband.

Now, the words he said then to journalist Jenaro Castro are being analyzed with a magnifying glass. About “the things of love,” he said: “I don't know if I have that capacity anymore. The higher you fly, the more it hurts to fall. But no one can take away the experience of flying high.. And it's worth the fall“.

When asked if she considers herself a seductive woman, she responded: “I don't consider myself that seductive. I like to dress up, I like to be liked, but I have never felt like a particularly beautiful person.. “I know really spectacular women but I think that physical beauty is not only something that is enjoyed, but I think it is something that also has to be earned and worked on internally.”

Regarding whether she has cried and suffered, the Mexican also said: “I learned from Buddhism that suffering cannot be avoided. So, thank God I have suffered“. As a motto in life, he has one in mind: “For all evil, mezcal. And for all good, too. And to reinforce, a tequila.” When asked if he is ashamed of anything, he also said: “I'm ashamed of something, but it can't be told”.

Genevieve, who denied having a romantic relationship with Queen Margaret's son, is terrified of reappearing in public. She has spent a few horrible weeks, feeling at the center of rumors and information after the publication of images of her walking through Madrid, dining alone, going to museums and spending the night at her house with the heir to the Danish throne.

But, little by little, it seems that the waters are returning to normal and Genoveva is beginning to feel calmer. Therefore, after visiting her children in London and returning to her house in Madrid, where she barely leaves so as not to be photographed, she has decided to spend Christmas with her ex-husband, Cayetano Martínez de Irujo and his two children, the twins Luis y Aminathe result of her marriage to the son of the Duchess of Alba.

In this interview, he defines the jenite as “the father of my children”. Since they separated in 2007, two years after their wedding at the Palacio de Las Dueñas, they have had each other and have remained close for their twins. She is also the Director of the Casa de Alba Foundation: “My work was beautiful, I made my mother-in-law very proud”.

He compares himself to the Duchess of Alba: “We were very similar in many things. We shared a love for art, a humanitarian vocation, she was very funny, she had a great character. “We spent so much time together and shared so much with my children that it brought us together a lot, apart from the fact that we had so many common interests.”

And he added: “For me she was a second mother. She had to be a bit of a mother and she trained me and taught me many things with a lot of love and discipline, don't think she was easy,” she said, laughing.

In this interview on La 2, Genoveva not only defined Cayetano in passing, but also another of her exes, Gonzalo Vargas Llosa. He remembers him as a “great friend.” TO José María Michavila simply as “minister”.