Genoveva Casanova, the first expelled from Masterchef: “Do you feed your children that spicy?”

Masterchef Celebrity has kicked off one of its most anticipated editions this Thursday. After 8 installments, the TVE reality show continues to surpass itself and this year it has one of the most powerful castings in its history; among aspiring chefs, Jesulín de Ubrique, Toñi Moreno, Sandra Gago, Genoveva Casanova, Álvaro Muñoz Escassi, César Cadaval, Blanca Romero o Jorge Sanz.

Guaranteed fun and great desire to see how some of the most popular faces in our country perform in the kitchen, which at its premiere have left us with great sensations about what we will see in the kitchens of the talent in the coming weeks.

Despite the fact that celebrities have left their skin -and nerves, in some cases- to ensure their continuity in the program, the rules are the rules and someone had to end their (brief) adventure in ‘Masterchef’. and that has been Genoveva Casanova, who at the end of July suffered a pulmonary embolism from which she is recovering away from the media spotlight. Hence, she was the great absentee in the presentation of the reality a few days ago at the Vitoria FesTVal.

The night began with a test in which the contestants had to cook the dishes proposed by two of the winners of previous editions, Raquel Merono y Miguel Angel Muñoz. Despite the fact that the ex-wife of Cayetano Martinez de Irujo He assured that he tried as hard as he could, he did not present his dish to the jury, only the accompanying broth: “I lacked time” he lamented.

And if she was marked out of the first test, in the second -outdoors and in a group- she did not have any more luck either, since her team, the reds, made up of Jesulín, Blanca Romero, Eduardo Casanova, Miguel Diosdado, Toñi Moreno and the ‘Moranco’ César Cadaval He was ‘chosen’ to face the elimination test, in which they had to prepare a fish-based dish.

Genoveva, very nervous, opted to cook a ceviche, but the result was not as expected, since she went too far with the spiciness. “Do you feed your children that spicy?” Pepe Rodríguez asked him after seeing two of his compis, Caesar and Edward coughing visibly heated when testing its preparation.

The expulsion was between Toñi, Miguel Diosdado and the Mexican, that she was finally ‘chosen’ by the jury to leave the contest. A hasty finale that Genoveva has taken with sportsmanship, confessing that her (brief) experience has been unforgettable and promising that she will continue to improve her culinary skills at home.