Genoveva Casanova leaves Spain due to medical prescription and plays tricks with the press: agur Donosti, hi London

The ex of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo He plays the game and it’s no wonder. Her friendship with the crown prince of Denmark has made her the most sought-after woman by the Spanish and Danish press and although she initially took refuge in San Sebastián, Genoveva Casanova He took a flight to leave Spain as soon as it was discovered.

This same Wednesday, the images that placed the Mexican in the capital of Donosti were published. Staying in the magnificent Arbaizenea Palace, owned by the father of her children, she tried to ‘disappear’ from the media spotlight accompanied by her dogs, with which neighbors saw her playing in the area. She was also seen at La Perla, a sports complex and beauty center located on La Concha beach, where Genoveva trains and takes care of herself whenever she travels to Donosti.

However, last Monday, knowing she had been discovered, Genoveva left her dogs in good care at the palace and took a flight to London, where her children live. This is what he confessed to Beatriz Cortázar: “He was in San Sebastián for a logistical reason, he took his dogs, organized some things and left”. This is corroborated by paparazzo Diego Arrabal: “He took a commercial flight to London on Monday at 3:35 p.m. We have swept the hotels and he is not in any of them, “You probably rented an apartment because you plan to spend some time there.”has said.

And in both Spain and Denmark it is said that the famous photographs of Genoveva with Prince Frederick of Denmark are just the tip of the iceberg. Information that concerns the Mexican woman’s life and her high lifestyle is already running through the newsrooms, which, if it comes to light, could cause many problems for her. They assure that this situation has overcome Genoveva, who was delicate after suffering a pulmonary embolism last summer from which she has not yet fully recovered. “She is disconnected and away from everything by medical prescription. Stress affects her lungs and both her family doctor, her psychologist and her lawyer have recommended that she not appear or answer calls. He connects for a few minutes a day to talk to his children, nothing more,” they revealed in YAS.