Genoveva Casanova and Federico from Denmark are still in contact: “He supports and protects her”

A planetary scandal, a divorce in the making and a coronation in extremis. They seem like the ingredients of the latest Netflix palace drama but it has been the day to day life of Frederick of Denmark in recent months. Despite everything, the new Scandinavian king has not renounced his friendship with Genoveva Casanovathe origin of all your problems: “They stay in touch.”

The ex of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo and the husband of Mary Donaldson They saw each other for the last time at the beginning of November, on that famous date that went around the world. Since then they have spoken on many occasions. The scandal, contrary to what some thought, has not distanced them: “Federico is aware of his friend's every movement. Genoveva said that friends talk and today I can say that Federico supports her in everything she does,” Paloma García Pelayo said this Monday. “The monarch is a support for the Mexican in every way.”

They also affirm that the silence that the Mexican has maintained during these months would be by common agreement with the new king of Denmark, who is the one protecting her at the moment: “The decision is firm because silence is the only thing that can favor to Genoveva. It suits her and protects her.

Goodbye to social networks

With the exception of three posts on social networks and an insipid statement (“I'm staying out of it”), Genoveva has opted for silence since she starred on that cover with the then Prince of Denmark. Many suggested that she would act under the orders of the Royal House or even that they would be paying for her silence.

This Monday, in addition, the philosopher has gone one step further: tired of all her messages being misinterpreted, she has closed her personal Instagram page. A decision that, according to the latest information, has the approval (who knows if the council) of her friend Federico de ella.
