Mary Donaldson has seen how her husband made headlines in the Spanish, Danish and Australian press thanks to his friendship with Genoveva Casanova and the graphic report of his walks, his dinner in a booth and his night at the Mexican woman’s house, where the heir to the Danish crown spent the night instead of at the embassy of his country. An escape that also occurred during a work trip by the princess consort to New York.
But, according to the tone of some chronicles, it seems that the victim of this sentimental and media hurricane is not the princess consort and mother of the four children of Frederick of Denmarkbut the ex-wife of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo.

According to her version, she has been “in pieces” long before leaving her home in Madrid on Tuesday, November 7, just the day before the photographs were published. Several sources of absolute solvency confirm that the ex-girlfriend of Minister José María Michavila knew that the biggest controversy of her life was coming and that she carefully planned the steps to follow, including her escape from Madrid to disappear from the map for a time. . And Genoveva maintains that she has not done anything wrong and that she only shares an innocent friendship with Queen Margaret’s son.
Genoveva, photographed in San Sebastián by the same agency that was lucky enough to meet her in El Retiro with a future king, only left the San Sebastian palace-refuge lent by the father of her children to solve a problem with her mobile phone. It was just at that moment when the cameras managed to capture the images sold to Hola for a figure that is around 20,000 euros, according to a source familiar with the negotiation. In Informalia We had already anticipated what Arbaizenea is like, the mansion with two hectares of land where Casanova disconnects from his displeasure by walking safe from paparazzi.

“He even threw the phone in an act of desperation”
They assure us that Genoveva must have some “bad conscience” because “when she knows that the photos are going to come out, she gets very worried.” On Tuesday she went to the capital of Gipuzkoa not only because her ex-husband’s property is luxurious, comfortable and impregnable but because she could reach that “refuge” in her own car, by road, with her dogs. she. She settled there just on her birthday: “She spent it alone, very sad and on the verge of crying, trying to avoid watching television, connecting to the Internet or even reading the floods of messages that came to her phone, which she even threw away. an act of desperation,” a source close to the Mexican woman assures us, a source who adds: “She will deny everything, because Genoveva has orders to deny even the evidence.”
Let us remember that Genoveva first said things like that the gentleman who was going to guide the Danish prince on his cultural visit to Madrid was infected with Covid and she, thanks to her knowledge of art, replaced the sick man. It already became implausible that she, instead of the Danish ambassador himself or another diplomat, would not assume that role. Then other contradictions arrived, like when she leaked through her surroundings that the portal with her photos was not the one in her house.
Genoveva also repeated that the prince did not sleep there despite the witnesses, the photographers who immortalized the entrance of both after one in the morning, after dinner in the private room of El Corral de la Morería, spent the entire night there, and photographed Federico’s departure with his suitcase at 8:28. After so many missteps, several versions of her, some of them contradictory, advised her to be incommunicado for a few days and told her that she would do better as a victim than as a femme fatal. Of course, they assure us that between tears, she has been taking care of her skin in a select center in San Sebastián and that she keeps her enviable figure in shape by going to La Perla, a luxury gym in La Concha La Concha in San Sebastián, Hey, stupid!)