After announcing the positives for coronavirus from Mattia Perin Y Lasse schöne on Saturday and Sunday respectively, the Genoa He set off all the alarms in Italy by confirming this Monday that the figure has risen to 14 cases after controls carried out on the staff and staff members.
The whole of the region of Liguria He announced it through an official statement in which he stated that “all the procedures foreseen in the current protocol have been activated and the Authorities have been informed for the related procedures.” In the same way, the Genoa “It will provide future updates regarding the evolution of the cases.”
It should be noted that the Genoa He faced this Sunday the Naples in San paolo in a match that ended 6-0 in favor of the local team. Looking ahead to next Saturday he is scheduled to play against Torino as a local, in the Luigi ferraris, but given the circumstances, everything indicates that this meeting could be finally suspended.