Gemma Gili: “We want to fight to be in the Champions”

Gili (Castellón de la Plana, 26 years old) faces his first season at Real with the hope of achieving great goals. “You have to be ambitious,” he says. “It is difficult to set goals after so many months without competing, but I think we have to look up and fight to be in the Champions League.”

Coming from big clubs like Barcelona and Levante, he affirms that the txuri urdin is “an exciting, solid project, with young people and more experienced players who can help them evolve. The line is to continue growing, that the Cup of two years ago does not remain in that but that we continue being ambitious ”.

The midfielder sets the bar high and the first week of work has only confirmed her good feelings. “It was very positive, a first contact to start getting to know each other and getting familiar with the idea proposed by Natalia. Everyone is treating me very well and it is being very easy to integrate. ”

The new realistic coach, Natalie
Stream, arrives at the bench with “things very clear”, points Gili. “He has a game philosophy and tries to transmit it not only in each training session, but in each exercise. It is a combinative game idea, of being intense after loss. These are important things that he is knowing how to transmit to the team and that we are taking well ”.

A style in which she feels comfortable. “I like it, I've been playing that for many years.” He believes that he can contribute “that experience of having competed at the highest level in recent years. Together with young people, we will try to maintain that regularity that perhaps has been lacking in the last year ”.

Many focuses in this preseason points to Nahikari
Garcia and your future. Gili I wish I can continue on the team. “Logically, it has been very important at Real and it continues to be. I see her involved and wanting everything to be resolved ”.

Among the novelties, the finalndesa stands out Sanni
Franssi. “He really wants to join the group and learn the language. That predisposition is very positive. As for the game, it can give us a lot; He has quality, you win and obviously, a goal ”.

Gili faces the season after completing her demanding architecture studies. “It has been a lot of work, I wanted to get here with all the chapters closed and focus on soccer. But I don't know how to be doing nothing so I will try to start working in the afternoons, which is something I like and it fills me up a lot ”.