Gattuso asks Lim for his first signing for Valencia

Gennaro Gattuso will become the eleventh coach of Valencia since Peter Lim became owner of the entity. José Bordalás has already received the call in which he has been informed that he will not continue to lead the team and the landing of the Italian coach is getting closer to taking placeand could even become official in the coming days.

Given the imminence of his arrival, the former coach of Milan and Naples, among others, has not only informed the club which staff he will bring to Valencia, but also He has also requested his first signing. Despite the fact that in Italy several names have been linked to the arrival of Gattuso to the Ché team, in Portugal they give a name as the coach’s favorite: Sergio Oliveira. According to Newspaperthe Portuguese midfielder is chosen by Gattuso to reinforce the midfield of his new team.

photo by Sergio Oliveira

Oliveira belongs to Portobut has played this season on loan in the Roma, where he has been a fixture for Mourinho, who also wants to get hold of him. In favor of Gattuso plays that the Portuguese He is represented by Jorge Mendes, a key figure in his signing for Valencia. Porto rates the midfielder at €15 million, a figure that is difficult for the Ché team to reach, but with the intermediation of Mendes the figure could be reduced. The Wolverhamptona club in which the representative also has a lot of influence, is another one that is following in his footsteps.