Garagarza He has appeared before the media after his renewal for a season as Eibar's sports director. The mutrikuarra took stock of the season just ended in which, in his opinion, “the objective has been met. Behind us there have been powerful teams and powerful teams have come down. Achieving the objective has been very difficult and very hard and you have to give it value. I think it is to be proud ”, he stated.
He acknowledged that “the hardest moments were the two games before Covid, against Mallorca and Real Sociedad” because “the sensations were not good”. Then, after Covid, “there were doubts, but we adjusted very well, we played my good games and we got very good results.”
He also valued the promotion of the women's team, which he described as “very important” because “for Eibar and Eibar, having two teams in the highest category is to be very proud of”.
Two other objectives of the club were the promotions of CD Vitoria and Eibar Urko, but in these two cases he valued the progression of the youth squads and their proximity to the first team without going into more detail.
We are positioning ourselves in things that we understand that we have to fight to the death. In some cases we have competition, in others we are waiting for a response from those clubs
Already thinking about next season, Fran
Garagarza He spoke of the market in which they have been immersed in search of reinforcements for weeks: “It is very slow. We have been working for a long time, but I am finding myself with the most complicated and slowest market of my career in sports management. It looks like it will move more towards the end than now. We are positioned in things, but today we cannot say that there is an execution on the possibilities that we are working on, ”he commented. “We are positioning ourselves in things that we understand that we have to fight to the death. In some cases we have competition, in others we are waiting for a response from those clubs. We are very ful in terms of objectives and to be positioned, but it is not being easy and it looks like it will go long. ”
In addition to this slowness in the market, the economic difficulties of most clubs are also due to the current situation: “It is very difficult to sign with a transfer and there are hardly any free players. We have our economic limitations, but we are working and to see if we can meet our objectives. There is not much margin because economically we are not going to make sales ”, exposed a Garagarza which pointed out that no team has been interested in any gun player today.
The national market has many difficulties and it is an expensive market. The players that we signed for Second were free or with a small transfer and that no longer exists
His economic limitations, aggravated this season, will lead him, as in recent years, to look more abroad than towards Second Division players: “We are looking abroad, also at the national market, but we are looking at the foreign market because the national market It has many difficulties and it is an expensive market. The players that we signed for Second were free or with a small transfer and that no longer exists. ”
This difficulty may open the doors to some of the players who have acted on loan this year: “They are our players, who have more or less played a role in their teams. Now they have to come back, be with us and we will have to do the analysis of the needs that we have and of the alternatives that we can manage ”.
We had a contract until July 31 and there was a quiet inside. Out there were doubts, but we have been working calmly
The sports director was asked for his analysis of the signings made last season and his disputed performance. Without giving names, Garagarza He advocated being patient: “When a new player comes you don't know if he will be able to give the level they have left or if it will take time. In my opinion, some will need time to give that level because some of those who have left didn't give that level the first year either. There have been players who in the end have given a better level than they did in the beginning. Some have given a good level, others not so good and others have had a few minutes. There has been everything. We can not put a note the first year, this is something in the long term, “he said.
Already on a personal level, its renewal has been once again expected: “There is more than one answer for that. When you are at home, there is trust and a close relationship, you leave yours behind. Another is that we have stayed for two more weeks, but with such a demanding format we have not been able to think of other things and we have been at work from day to day. When we have achieved permanence, we have had the confidence of the Council that he wanted us to continue. We had a contract until July 31 and there was a quiet inside. Outside there were doubts, but we have been working calmly. That things have not been officially confirmed until the last minute? It is true. For my part, we could have taken steps before, especially facing the outside ”, he acknowledged.
Why have we renewed one year? Because we have done well, because there is closeness and trust
This will not happen next season since in their new contract there is a clause in which they must communicate their decision before the end of March: “It seems good to me and it makes sense to do it,” he said.
But, how long do you plan to continue ?: “I don't know. It is very difficult. I only know that I have been in sports management for 10 years, he adds three more in grassroots football, one more as second in Manix in Second, two more training the Youth … The longer you have been in one place, the closer you are to everything. Why have we renewed one year? Because we have done well, because there is a closeness and trust that makes us continue working without talking about you because there are other things more important than my figure. We have renewed a year and I cannot speak about what will happen next year because this is going at such a speed and there is so much demand and stress … The link with the club you know what it is. Closeness with Amaia it is beyond my charge. We have been for so many years that it is like that marriage that cares more about the children than about themselves. ”