The Eibar has had very influential coaches in its history. Since the recently deceased Barasoain, passing by Blas ziarreta or own Beg, which has been able to keep the club in First for five seasons. But the case of Gaizka Garitano is special. He began training the armory branch, until he took over the reins of the first team when the economy no longer gave much more of itself, not even in Second B.

He achieved the long-awaited promotion to Second (which at the time seemed the highest category to which Eibar could aspire), and not happy with it, he led the Ipurua club to the top in the 2013-2014 season, with a budget close to four million euros. It was the year of the Jota Peleteiro, Morales, Errasti, Dani García, Capa, Bóveda … An unforgettable year. The merit can be assimilated to winning a Champions League with a team in the middle of the table.
Now, his name is ringing loudly again to occupy the Eibar bench. César Palacios already said in his presentation that he was looking for a specific man, who knew perfectly how the club works and who had a certain roots with the feelings and philosophy of gunsmiths. Many fans would be glad to have again Garitano on the bench. He was the only one to get promoted to First. Who better to repeat it again?