From the sepulchral silence of Juan Carlos I, to Corinna’s media strategy, which lengthens everything

The king emeritus has already outlined his strategy. Deathly silence before the media podcast of Corinna Larsen and also while the trial that is open in the United Kingdom Court of Appeal lasts. A sound serial in which the German princess recounts with hair and marks the years of her relationship with Don Juan Carlosthe bags full of money, the alleged engagement ring of a million euros and an unusual mention of Doña Sofía.

Assuming victimhood and with a tone of contempt, Corinna Larsen breaks down her relationship with Juan Carlos I by chapters. A story of revenge, coldness and rancor, which has made it coincide to the millimeter with the judicial process for a lawsuit against the emeritus for alleged bullying. “The king returned with bags of money. He returned from his trips happy as a 5-year-old child and said that his friends had given it to him”launched in the first chapter in perfect sync with the trial in London, where the immunity or not of the former head of state is analyzed. A whole marketing and communication campaign, which contrasts with the official silence that reigns in the environment of the emeritus.

The sound story, in installments, of the German has no end. We have known the unusual episode in which Queen Sofía, in the Zarzuela Palace, would have reproached him for that “I know who you are!” (always according to the version of the ex-lover of the emeritus). Also very incredible, the engagement ring with a diamond, worth more than a million euros, that Don Juan Carlos would have given her for their fifth anniversary of engagement.

On the other hand, counts Confidential Digital what Carlos Herrera He has been preparing the biography of the previous king for months and that was the reason why the radio star traveled to Abu Dhabi to meet with the protagonist. Also that Juan Carlos I himself would have asked to stop the book. Herrera would have planned to fly back to the Emirates with the intention of resuming publication plans.