From Sabrina’s boob to Pedroche’s ass: 35 years to go back from modernity to posturing

I will always remember Hugo Stuven, one of the geniuses of television. He took it away I think covid in April 2021, days after entering the Zendal. The immense filmmaker modernized RTVE and then all the channels in which he worked until the end of his days, like that Color Mice who embroidered the Fool of the Hill

Huguito, as good a person as he is a great professional, was always ahead of the wind. In 1987, at the time of pilar miro As head of the Entity, he was in charge of directing that New Year’s Eve special that has gone down in history because an exuberant Italian let one of her huge tits escape while she was singing when we were already there. achampanados.

Hugo was dying of laughter when we asked him how prepared that was. Stuven and Pilar Miró were modern, coherent, creative and fun. And they were honest. In 1987 that was new. Pedroche on Saturday night was a tacky embarrassment.

35 years after Sabrina’s boob and with the claims, the solidarity posturing rampant, the most of the New Year’s Eve night was seeing how naked Cristina Pedroche was with that kind of plaster seagull half covering her breasts , laundering the wrongdoing. Pedroche is Sabrina’s breast three and a half decades later but full of hypocrisy.

Instead of get upset Like Hugo and all of Spain without modesty or more pretensions, she is modern and supportive. It is thought that we are going to believe that she shows her ass because it is a gesture in favor of peace. She considers herself the inventor of the breast as a means to gain notoriety, surely because she does not know who Pilar Miró, Hugo Stuven or Eugène Delacroix were. Pedroche is freedom insulted the intelligence of the people, leading us towards incoherence. She is as free to dress or undress as I am to disqualify, not her tacky model, which she self-disqualifies, but her clumsy disguised excuse of solidarity with refugees to achieve the very legitimate goal of being champion of audiences in the latest night of the year

It would have been better to go straight ahead: “Look, if you eat the grapes with me you will see my soul, because Antena 3 and Coca-Cola give me a lot of money for leaving almost naked.” The other option is that the cook Whip, instead of going to a comparsa, make us, at about twelve, some good recipes based on grapes and do it naked, with your ass in the air while the quarters ring, as the Vallecana presenter did. It would already be milk if he announced to us that he is pregnant. The least of it is that Pedroche’s dress this year was unsightly or incomprehensible. It pissing off it is that to whitewash such vulgarity they implied the poor refugees. But hey, maybe they’ll put Pedroche’s video on Putin and stop this damn war.