There was a time when we were greatly astonished when a famous person, or someone we knew in our lives, became a father when he was over forty years old. Proof of this is the commotion generated by the pregnancy of twins Ana Rosa Quintana at 48 years old. It was November 2004 when they were born by cesarean section. Juan y Jaimethe result of her marriage to the businessman Juan Muñoz.
“My goodness! I remember when I got pregnant. The amount of comments there were in the press (…) I was very clear that I wanted to start a family with Juan. When I got pregnant we had been together for 7 years and in no time We are going to turn almost 25,” recalled the star presenter of Telecinco at the beginning of this year, recently interviewed by Informaliain a conversation with Hola.

As she herself recalled, a great stir was generated in the press. It was a source of talk everywhere, in every corner and was even reflected in series that showed the time as well as There is no one living here (Antenna 3). The famous series by Alberto and Laura Caballero frequently used the pregnancy of the competition communicator as a joke: “Don’t talk to me about Ana Rosa Quintana!” Isabel got tired of repeating when Juan Cuesta insisted on having a baby. together.
As the years have passed and the rhythms and patterns of society have changed with us, it is much more common to bring a child into the world after 40. At the beginning of 2020, Lolathe daughter of Toni Moreno. The Canal Sur presenter, to give an example, became a first-time mother at 46 years old. The presenter also wrote the book Mother after 40. It was a sales success. Anne Igartiburuin 2016, became a mother of Nicholas together with her then husband, the orchestra director Pablo Heras-Casado. This is the first biological child of the presenter, who adopted Noah 23 years ago now Carmen 12 ago. When he was born Nicholasthe presenter was over 46 years old.

The club of sixty-year-old fathers and mothers
Ana Obregon
The 68-year-old biologist resorted to surrogacy, illegal in Spain, to become the legal mother (‘blood’ grandmother) of the little girl. Ana Sandra. According to the actress, to fulfill the last wish of her son, Aless Lequio, died in May 2020 from Ewing sarcoma. Nevertheless, Alessandro Lequio has never confirmed this version. Anita was born in March 2020 in Miami, where surrogacy is legal, with several covers of Hola under the arm and a tremendous commotion that occupied all the television talk shows and written pages even in the international press (something that, by the way, Obregón herself proudly boasted about on her social networks).

The presenter of What do we bet? was criticized for the method she used to become a mother: “I have the right to have any children I want. Is surrogacy not legal in Spain? I do not care to“, she confessed in a controversial interview on TV3 just a few days ago. Regarding the possibility of adopting, she said: “It’s not your blood.” Throughout these months, the actress has also received criticism for the age at which she began to take care, alone, of a child (when the girl is 10 years old, she will be close to 80). However, she has justified it by leaving in her will Celiaher niece, as the girl’s caretaker when she is not there: “Do you think I haven’t thought about this decision? (…) Everything is thought out from minute one. Celia was like Aless’s sister and she is crazy about Anita.” She remarked on Hola that she had everything in mind “from minute one”, although she told the same weekly as soon as the girl was born that only her sisters, Amalia y Celiaand his ex, Alessandro Lequiowere aware that I was planning to bring the little girl into the world through surrogacy.
Be that as it may, little Anita turned 7 months old on March 20 and has given Ana back, in her words, the will to live after the tragic loss of her son.
Tita Cervera
A case very similar to that of the multifaceted Obregón occurred with the Baroness Thyssen in 2006 when her twins were born, also through surrogacy, Carmen y Sabina. Carmen Cervera was 63 years old at the time. Tita, as a result of the Obregón case, was quick to congratulate Ana when she was asked about the surrogacy and she did not have time to deny to journalists that she had helped or even advised Aless Lequio’s mother. “She and I are friends, but I have not advised anyone. For now I have congratulated her and nothing more, we will talk at length”.

Tita and Ana not only have in common the fact of having become mothers thanks to surrogacy, but both (the first almost twenty years ago and the second this year) have been questioned about the paternity of their respective daughters. Because of the girls’ resemblance to Borja Thyssen There has been speculation that the sperm could be his. A point that has never been clarified by any of her protagonists and that makes Carmen very uncomfortable, as was demonstrated in the Traveling with Chester of Risto Mejide at the beginning of this same year. Mediaset censored the publicist’s question to the baroness: “Is Borja Thyssen the father of your daughters?” Borja, as he told Informaliaasked through her lawyers that the question not be asked and since then we have not spoken to her again. Risto, finally, became very angry after this part of his interview was not broadcast.
Bertin Osborne
The ranchera singer also generated a great debate when it was discovered that he was expecting a child, his sixth, with the Colombian woman with whom he had something more or less serious after his separation from Fabiola Martinez at the beginning of 2021. The future mother is 36 years old and he will be 69 when the child is born. In recent weeks, the tension between both parties has become evident again, to the point that Bertín plans to ask for a DNA test when the baby is born. This summer has been bizarre for him at the media level, since Guillén’s pregnancy was accompanied by the surprising statements of the Sevillian Chabeli Navarro, who confessed to having had an abortion after becoming pregnant with him. Then came the singer’s statements Annawho claimed to have maintained a relationship with him for fifteen years, coinciding with the artist’s marriage and Fabiola Martinez.

The Venezuelan model, for her part, granted an exclusive after all the commotion generated: “I think about my children and I think about Bertín’s daughters, and I understand that for them it must not be something pleasant (…) If I were still in love and I found out that he could have cheated on me during our marriage, it would hurt me a lot,” he lamented. And he went further: “When Bertín said that he had never been in love, my flesh opened (…) It gave me peace to know that I was doing everything I could to have a beautiful, respectful relationship, a relationship that was not very easy because of his age, because of his profession, but I tried to make it balanced.
Santiago Pedraz
The judge of the National Court also belongs to this ‘club’ of sexagenarian parents, known in the popular press for the affair he had with Esther Doña, the widow of the Marquis of Griñón. This same Thursday, November 2, he became a father at the age of 64 with Elena Hormigos, the lawyer with whom he forgot the socialite. Journalist Beatriz Cortázar announced the news this Friday with a congratulatory message on her Instagram profile: “Congratulations to Santiago Pedraz and Elena Hormigos on the birth of their son Jacobo, who was born at 9:35 p.m. today (November 2) in Madrid. Both mother and baby are doing well. “Very happy news that has come just a few days ahead of the scheduled date.”

The news of this baby returns the judge to the front line of the world of the heart, which he jumped to in 2021 due to his romance with Doña. Elena Hormigos, is a lawyer by profession, is 28 years younger than him (36) and is a separated woman with no children from previous relationships. For her boyfriend, as we said, she is the fourth child. Pedraz already has three other children. James Jr. y Alejandro They were born from his first marriage with Marisa Martiwhile Nicholasis the son of his relationship with the writer and journalist Paula Arenas.
Other famous
This 2023, at 83 years old Al Pacino became a father again, this time with Noor Al fallah (29); y Robert De Niro (80), for his part, had his seventh child with the martial arts teacher Tiffany Chen (45), the first with her.
Going back years we complete the long list with the father of Julio Iglesias, Papuanwho had a son with Ronna Keith at 89; Mick Jagger (80) became a father again at 73; Ron Wood (76), his Rolling Stone partner, did the same with 68; Rupert Murdoch (92) she was 72 years old when she had her little son; Richard Gere (74), when he was 69, welcomed his first child together with Alejandra Silva (40), while the second was born just fourteen months later; Elton John (76) had another child at 67; Alec Baldwin at 64; Clint Eastwood at 66; or the recently deceased Fernandez Fernandez Tapiaswho had her little daughter with Nuria GonzalezAlma, when he was 68 years old.
The reflections of Obregón and Count Lequio
As a result of Robert de Niro’s new fatherhood, it must be remembered that Obregón shared a reflection on his social networks. One user wrote: “I don’t see that it’s news. It seems that her age doesn’t matter but Ana Obregón’s does. Hypocrites.” And the actress responded: “Unfortunately, machismo exists”.
Although we do not deny that machismo makes us normalize the relationship between an elderly man with a much younger woman, the truth is that in the case of Obregón’s late motherhood, other components have been added that have heated up the debate. In this regard, Lequio himself said: ““In the case of Robert De Niro, the girl’s mother is at least a 45-year-old woman.”