the son of the infanta elena y Jaime de Marichalar he repeated the second year of ESO three times. However, at 24 years old and according to one of his best friends, he has already finished his degree. After studies, the brother of Victoria Federica I would be ready to work. But according to what they say, not in Spain, in Abu Dhabi, near the grandfather Don Juan Carlos.
Read also – Froilán leaves Spain after the after scandal: flight to ‘grandfather’s house’ in Abu Dhabi
“Felipe leaves for Abu Dhabi next week. He has a great job offer in a very powerful company, it’s an important project,” says a friend of Felipe Juan Froilán de Todos los Santos de Marichalar y Borbón this friday in The world. This young man, who does not reveal his identity, adds: “He is very excited and very happy. He has finished his degree and now he is starting his first job like so many boys his age.”

According to Froilán’s colleague, in Spain we have treated Felipe VI’s nephew very badly: “He hopes that they will leave him alone there and forget about him, they have been crushing him. He is not a fight or aggressive, on the contrary, he is a calm person. I have witnessed many times how they have provoked him to get him into fights that are not his.”
Read also – Froilán, caught partying again: on Fridays at night in Madrid
This Friday, Froilán has caught a plane after starring in another controversy in our country. Last Sunday, he was evicted from an illegal after party, in a place on Calle Orense in Madrid, in which up to 230 people participated. Before his departure, this Thursday, Doña Sofía’s grandson enjoyed a night party at the house of some friends in the center of Madrid, which continued until the wee hours of the morning in a well-known venue in the capital. A true Froilán classic.