Friends of Camilo Blanes steal “more than 100,000 euros”: “The house has been ransacked”

Camilo Blaneswhich is now called Sheila Devil, has once again generated worrying headlines from his home in Torrelodones. The his mother, Lourdes Ornelasshe is worried and does everything in her power to help her son, who after some very difficult years and his problems with addictions, does not make it easy for him.

This Sunday they have assured on Telecinco that their companies have wreaked havoc: “Camilo Sesto’s house has been ransacked little by little by people that Camilo has let into the house,” said Aurelio Manzano.

At the same time, the journalist explained: “They have been taking personal and valuable objects, paintings, trays… They were emotional objects…”. They estimate that they would have taken from the house “more than one hundred thousand euros” among all the objects. The house has 450 square meters, three floors and a large garden with a swimming pool.

Camilín is not going through his best moment of health due to his addictions. His mother acknowledged that he fears for his life and that he is “in self-destruct mode.” “I have no one I trust to help me with him. There are only those who come out of interest. But I have seen lawyers, psychiatrists and others, but there is no way to stop him because he is an adult. I have even seen the option of disabling him but he is an adult and the law does not allow it, “Ornelas herself told the Emma García program in April of this year.

It’s not the first time they’ve been robbed

It must be remembered that it is not the first time that the house that once belonged to the great Camilo Sesto, who died in September 2019 at the age of 72, has been robbed. In December 2021, while Camilín was admitted to the ICU of the Puerta del Hierro University Hospital in Majadahonda due to a bicycle accident, they also robbed. At that time, Lourdes already regretted: “A lot of Camilo Sesto’s things have disappeared, gold records and memories.” Then it was also commented that thieves could know exactly where in the house the valuables were.