Fran Sol, luxury reinforcement for the Tenerife forward

It was surely the most complicated negotiation that he carried out Juan Carlos Cordero throughout the market, but their efforts paid off. The sports director got Fran Sol (Madrid, 1992) to commit to Tenerife and become a luxury reinforcement for the insular front. The Spanish arrives on loan from Dynamo Kyiv.

The last days the positions were getting closer until reaching an understanding. Sol did not have much prominence in the Ukrainian box and that is why the route of returning to Spain attracted him. And it was Tenerife who put the most interest in his services and that convinced him.

Emblem / Flag Tenerife

“If I come to Tenerife it is because I know that I can contribute with work and continuous effort. This is something I have been waiting for days because I was very clear about my decision, “he said in the official media.

Questioned by the expectations generated by his signing, Fran Sol has been aware “of the support she has received on social networks” of a hobby that has seen on television “carry their team in every game”.

In his day, the white and blue team paid three million euros to sign him. However, the footballer did not have the desired continuity and therefore the rectors of the Dynamo they look favorably on an assignment to the Island.

Fran Sol has been runner-up in the Ukrainian tournament and champion of the Cup and Super Cup. He has lost prominence in the team, in which he has participated in just 16 games in a year and a half, scoring three goals. He is a scorer who after training in Valdebebas started trying his luck in different teams like Lugo, Oviedo, Villarreal B until in the Willem ii Dutch ended up exploding scoring 39 goals in 79 games, which allowed him to make the leap to Kiev.