Fran Fernández: “We will try to make it a beautiful year”

Tenerife's new coach, Fran Fernández, offered his first statements as such on the official website of the entity highlighting feeling very excited and happy “to be able to belong to a great club like Tenerife. We know that it will be a great responsibility and I am aware of it, but at the same time I think that Thanks to everyone's support and the enthusiasm that we are going to try to transmit, a beautiful year can come out ”, he explained.

Shield / Flag Tenerife

Once his arrival was finalized, he began to work without pause. “This season it's time to have no vacation, although I'm happy about it. We want the club to be organized and to do its best. In a couple of days I travel to Tenerife with a great desire to meet the club's staff, footballers and fans. I know it is a team that has a great, passionate fans and the truth is that it is a nice challenge for me, ”he said.

The player from Almería committed for a season and highlighted that he had a good feeling with the sports management. “My way of seeing football from minute one is very similar to that of Juan Carlos Cordero,” he said. “I think we have connected quite well in that and we are going to work hand in hand so that everything flows and we bring this great ship to a good port. We know the difficulty of the category and how important it is this period of making the template and see what we want. “

Although he has not yet landed on the Island, he has noticed the support of fans through social networks. “The Tenerife fans are one of the best in the category. I've been at the club for hours and I'm already feeling it. Hopefully we can feel them very close at the Stadium, but it will be difficult. There are other ways to express that feeling, and the same thing that has come to me I am sure that it will do with the footballers, ”he said.

Regarding what he expects from this new season, he commented that there is more and more equality even though there is a greater difference at the budget level with the teams that descend from the First Division. “The competition at the end is very even, we know that we must be constant at work, especially in day to day. Be balanced and always maintain a good motivational and spirit line ”.

On the other hand, Tenerife announced that Pedro Rodríguez Zaragoza will stop being the General Director of the entity, a position he has held for the last three years. The club highlighted that during its stage different projects and initiatives of a marked social nature were launched, “such as the birth of the Tenerife EDI team, the drive to start up the club's women's area, as well as agreements and covenants with the University of La Laguna, as the project Do not fall out of the game, among other actions. “