Flares and field invasion in Paris

What the ultras give the note game after game seems to have no end in French football. After several unfortunate episodes with fans as protagonists in recent months, this Friday a new one happened in the Paris FC-Lyon (corresponding to the thirty-second of the end of the French Cup), which had to be suspended after a confrontation between members of both fans including invasion of the field and the launch of flares into the green.

Not a month has elapsed since the unfortunate bottle hit Payet during a Lyon-Marsella, and again the ultras of the Lyon team were in charge yesterday of starring in an embarrassment that already tires, and a lot, to French football. This time, with those of the Paris FC as partners, since everything that happened started with a fight co-starred by both fans. Specifically, it was at halftime when the launching of flares led the players to go to the changing rooms.

In the first instance, it was waited to make a decision, thinking that tempers would calm down and the game could be resumed, but finally it was not like that and the match was suspended and waiting for when and under what conditions it can be resumed.

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