The collection of signatures to activate the motion of censure against Josep Maria Bartomeu can be blown up. As reported by the Què T'hi Jugues program of SER Catalunya, Jordi Farré, promoter of the motion, is requesting personal data from the signers of the motion to expand the database of his future candidacy for the presidency. The rest of the promoters of the motion, whose main face is that of Víctor Font, reject this modus operandi of Farré.
Consulted by SER Catalunya, Farré admitted that, in addition to the two sheets of the brochure of the motion of censure, he is asking for personal data from the signatories who support the motion (email, telephone) but in order to control and be able to filter which signatures of the motion have their origin in venues controlled by him and which signatures come from other candidates.
This same thursday there is a press conference scheduled at 6:00 p.m. in which the promoters of the motion that are not Jordi Farré could dissociate themselves from this practice of the candidate and censure the practice of the official candidate for the presidency. Farré, for his part, will give explanations next Monday. It will be necessary to check now if the mess that surrounds the process of collecting signatures directly affects the motion of censure and bursts the process for the reassurance of Bartomeu.