This weekend the newspaper The world placed on the cover the figures of the renewal contract signed by Leo Messi in 2017. An agreement whose total rises to 555,237,619 euros. In addition, the various clauses it included have thrown even more controversy, such as the renewal premium of 115,225,000 or the loyalty bonus of almost 78 million euros. The reactions, as expected, have not been long in coming. Bartomeu stepped out of the voices that accused him of having been the leaker. Barça “regrets” that the contract has been made public. Just as Koeman, Mestre or Font have also 'wet'. However, not all those who have expressed themselves about it have followed the same line and Luis Figo has taken advantage of Twitter to delve into the wound.
Messi's advisers deserve a status ????the management of the Barça board can only be compared to that of Gaspar ????
– Luis Figo (@LuisFigo) January 31, 2021
The Portuguese, a regular in the aforementioned social network, from where he has participated in various controversies in recent times with the Government as a backdrop, has pulled irony to qualify the episode of the contract. “Messi's advisers deserve a statue”, began a tweet that accompanied with a smile, in which he cited the famous cover of Sunday The world. The message it didn't take long to go viral and in less than 24 hours it exceeded 14,000 'likes' and 2,500 retweets.
“Management only comparable to that of Gaspart”
Furthermore, he added that “The management of the Barça board can only be compared to that of Gaspart.” A dart in which, incidentally, he attacked the president with which he ended his Barça period. It should be remembered that Florentino Pérez, in a titanic operation, stole the Portuguese from Barça in 2000, after winning the elections for 60 million euros. A movement that hurt Joan Gaspart, Blaugrana president at the time, a lot.

“At that time, the candidate who wins in Barcelona is Gaspart and I, logically, do not trust Gaspart a hair. He can promise me the moon but he is a person who does not tell me anything. So I make the decision to assume responsibility to come to Madrid “, said Figo last October in 'Universo Valdano', making it clear that his relationship with the former president is far from idyllic. Thus, with the Messi theme as a common thread, he has taken advantage of the situation to charge not only against Bartomeu and his board, but also against the one that made him the first galactic of the great rival.