Fernando Molinero, new general director of Sports of the CSD

The Adjunct State Attorney at the Ministry of Culture and Sports replaces Albert Soler in the position


The attached State lawyer in the Ministry of Culture and Sports Fernando Molinero has been appointed the new General Director of Sports of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), a position in which he replaces Albert Soler, the CSD reports in a statement.

The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the appointment of Fernando Molinero (Onteniente, 1992), at the proposal of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta. Fernando Molinero graduated in Law from the University of Valencia and was awarded the Extraordinary Law Degree Award and the Best Record in Social and Legal Sciences from the University of Valencia, as well as the National Law Degree Award from the Ministry of Education.

A student at the Colegio Mayor San Juan de Ribera, Molinero began to develop his professional career as a State attorney at the State Attorney’s Office in Barcelona. Between September 2021 and September 2022, he already worked at the CSD as Deputy Director General of the Legal Regime.

During this stage he was secretary of the CSD Board of Directors, member of the State Commission for the Fight against Violence, Racism, Intolerance and Xenophobia in Sport and member of the Body for the Transformation of Clubs into Sports Public Limited Companies.

Until his appointment this Tuesday as the new Director General of Sports of the CSD, he worked as a deputy state attorney at the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

“The Higher Sports Council is pleased to have the talent and professionalism of Fernando Molinero, who arrives backed by the mark he had previously left in the house. His deep legal knowledge and his ability to reach agreements through dialogue make him in a suitable person for the position. His vision will be key to face the challenges that Spanish sport faces,” said the president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco.

Molinero replaces Albert Soler, who leaves at his own request to undertake a “new professional challenge” soon. “It was José Manuel Franco who, twenty months ago, opened the doors of the Higher Sports Council for me again and I want to expressly thank him for his confidence,” Soler stressed.

Soler stressed that in the last twenty months important “milestones” have been met, such as the drafting of a new Sports Law, the professionalisation of women’s football or the management of European Funds.

“I feel, therefore, that the work entrusted to me has been accomplished.
The decision is personal and considered. The time has come to embark on a new path, but I will always continue to be part of the great family of Spanish sport,” he said.

For his part, the Secretary of State for Sport has recognized “the enormous dedication” of Albert Soler, whom he wished “the best of luck in the new professional stage that is about to begin”.