Fran Fernández confirmed the same message that, in other words, were sent by the players who have demonstrated publicly in recent days. “The first game is usually the most important because it is the one that you have the most time to prepare. Besides, I know that In recent years it has been difficult for Tenerife to start well and that is why we have wanted to look for alternatives in this preseason. Let's see how it happens “, said the Andalusian.

The coach was delighted with these first days at the club, “where everyone speaks the same language.” In addition, he stressed that the predisposition that I have encountered “has been extraordinary. Everyone is plugged in, showing they want to step forward. We are very happy, the first days are to know each other, it is being very positive, “he said.
The coach admitted that there are times of difficulty for everyone, of great uncertainty “and that carries over to our preseason. We should have already played a couple of friendly games but it has not been possible. I believe a lot in playing games in this period so that footballers take on concepts that we want; training will never be the same as competing. “
Fran said that the concentration in Murcia “will give us that, against three rivals who will make things difficult for us. We will not give importance to the results, but we will give importance to what happens during these matches. I am very happy with the week that the club has prepared, we will see how the team evolves. “He warned that the idea is” to create a team with its own model and know what we want to play and make the best possible campaign. “
In that sense, he warned that they do not intend to set medium or long-term objectives, and less in these times. “They must be close in time. The first objective is to create a team with its own model“He reiterated.” From there, start well, that in the first days you see a team that competes. “
On the other hand, the blue and white coach announced the summoned for the stage at the Pinatar Arena among which José Naranjo is not there, who is finalizing his departure to another club (possibly returning to Cyprus where he was the last semester), nor Carlos Abad, by medical recommendation. Among the 25 expedition members there are six homegrown players: Javi Alonso, Jorge, Fede Olivera, Omar Jaiteh, Ibrahima Barry and Víctor Méndez.