He King Felipe VI This Sunday he attended the funeral of his cousin Fernando Gómez-Acebo, who died this Friday at the age of 49. The monarch has arrived desolate and without the company of the Queen Letizia. The consort did attend this Saturday at the La Paz Mortuary in Tres Cantos.
Infanta Elena’s brother arrived at the crematorium around 12:30 p.m. There, he has reunited with his cousins Simoneta, Juan, Bruno and Beltrán. Also, Don Felipe has been accompanied by close friends of Fernando such as Cast y Antonio Carmona. At the request of the family, the funeral was held in the strictest privacy.

Felipe said goodbye to his cousin this Friday when he learned of the businessman’s delicate state of health. Don Juan Carlos’s son traveled to the Quirón University Hospital, located in the Madrid town of Pozuelo de Alarcón. Queen Letizia was not present at this last meeting either. A sign that suggests a possible distance between the consort and the Gómez-Acebos.
Fernando Gómez-Acebo had long had respiratory problems that have worsened in recent months. Just a month ago, the rumors about the health of Felipe VI’s cousin were not at all flattering: “He has bronchial problems and the other day they were about to do a tracheostomy because it was complicated by influenza A and covid.“said the journalist Carlos Perez Gimeno in Federico’s morning.