He King Felipe VI He has demonstrated his commitment to the great international challenges at the official Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2025, held at the National Museum of Art in Catalonia. In a speech that combined the technological analysis with a firm defense of democratic values, the monarch moved his “solidarity and support” to the Ukrainian people in their struggle for a “just and lasting peace, defending their independence and territorial integrity.”
His words arrive at a key moment, coinciding with the meeting in London of the main European leaders to coordinate a common strategy after the recent diplomatic confrontation between Volodímir Zelenski y Donald Trump. In this context, Felipe VI recalled that three years ago, in this same event, he intervened just a few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The monarch stressed that the reasons for the “firm condemnation and rejection” of Russian aggression, which violates international legality and the United Nations Charter, “are still very valid.” Far from being a distant conflict, he emphasized that the war in Ukraine is a global challenge that affects the stability of the entire world: “I want to send, therefore, once again and from this great world event, our coherent and sustained message of solidarity and support – sustained with words and actions – to the Ukrainian people in their legitimate defense and in their aspiration and right to achieve a fair and last peace. Territorial integrity, “he said with determination.
After his mention to the conflict in Ukraine, the King focused his speech on the Mobile World Congress, an event that he attends for the thirteenth time and that described as “essential” for those who work in technological progress. In his speech, Spanish, Catalan and English alternated, referring to the motto of this year’s event: converge. Connect. Create (converge. Connect. Create). First, he stressed that Congress is, above all, a meeting point of great relevance to share experiences and discuss the challenges of connectivity. In this sense, he stressed the central role of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that, according to his words, requires “safe and responsible” development. “Let’s be open and communicative, but also prudent and non -naive. Advancing in a coordinated way will be essential to ensure that we carry out this transformation with maximum security for consumers, who have totally understandable concerns about protection and privacy. Now, like so many other times, the key will be to find the appropriate balance between innovation and regulation,” he explained.
Under the concept of connecting, Felipe VI highlighted that the MWC is a privileged platform to promote cooperation between suppliers, clients, authorities and the public and private sector. He stressed that the objective of this exchange is clear: “Finding points in common, working together and building an ecosystem that favors development, far beyond the mobile technologies sector.”
Finally, he highlighted the importance of the concept of creating, remembering that the relations that are forged in Congress promote innovation and the appearance of new ideas, products and services. “This dynamic ecosystem not only encourages economic growth, but ultimately contributes to the welfare of society as a whole,” he concluded.
With this speech, Felipe VI reaffirms his role as a reference figure in the international panorama, combining the defense of democratic values with a commitment determined by technological development and global cooperation.