The kings of Spain have closed a great year in terms of their external image. Not only for placing their heir in the front line after her 18th birthday, her Constitutional Oath and her entry into the Military Academy but because the surveys, which are beginning to be published these days, place them on the podium of the hardest workers and 'savers' compared to the rest of the European royals.
According to UFO No Moreone of the most recognized royalty websites, don Felipe He has been the hardest working monarch of 2023 with 193 active days, followed by Prince Albert of Monaco and the Prince Haakon of Norway. It should be noted that the survey does not include the number of events but the days in which they have participated. In this ranking, the Queen Letizia is in third place, behind the Queen Silvia of Sweden y Maxim of Holland. Among the heirs, Prince Haakon of Norway, Victoria of Sweden and Prince William of England stand out. Kate Middleton takes the Gold for the most hardworking among the spouses of the heirs.
On the whole, The Spanish royal family worked 213 days, which means that his work day occupied 58.3% of the year. This represents a slight decrease compared to the 219 days they worked in 2022, but an increase compared to the 206 days in 2021. “This year we have also seen more of Queen Sofia,” adds the portal. “Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía also attended events with her parents and the heir to the throne had more events alone after her 18th birthday.” For months, June was the busiest and August was the quietest.
Letizia, the one who spends the least
Where Doña Letizia does win is in the cost of clothing. Although the queen was the royal with the most premieres in 2023 (129 between clothes and accessories), she was also the one who allocated the least money to her wardrobe: 53,919 euros, thus occupying 14th place. This ranking is led by Charlene from Monaco (739,541 euros for 105 new pieces), Olympia of Greece (227,604 euros with 51 pieces) and Kate Middleton (217,310 euros for 204 new pieces).